Hello, my name is Kelly Renee Vizzini. I am an entrepreneur and the founder of Dream Pet Care LLC, a licensed, insured, and bonded in your home pet companion/pet sitting and Reiki business located in the Northwest Valley in Arizona.

I am the one who will answer your calls and emails, connect with you and your pets during the initial meet and greet, walk your dog, play with cats, and offer them connection and companionship through visits in your home while you are away.

Read my Full Bio

(Photo by Alayne Vogel)

Kelly Renee Vizzini

My Story

Kelly with Mendy - Aunts Dog.jpg

I have always had a deep connection with nature and animals. In early childhood when I awoke from a disturbing nightmare or dream, I would go connect through the window with a birch tree that lived in our front yard until a feeling of calm and peace came over me - now we would call that a form of meditation or centering ourselves.

In 2014, I began bringing my love for animals into the forefront by pet sitting for friends, learning animal Reiki and volunteering at a local Glendale, Arizona no-kill animal shelter. I have learned through observation and interaction that animals can teach us much about where we are at on our journey and ways to help them as well as about life in general. One of the keys is to connect with the messages that are being played out or expressed by the animals as they work to communicate with us. One thing I know for certain is that we are always learning, and our teachers come in many different forms.

Over the past 8 years, my path has led me to alternative methods including Reiki and various forms of energy healing, essential oils and broader thinking around the healing options available to address a personal tremor that began in my early twenties. I believe that harmony exists between traditional and natural medicine techniques. I continue to learn better ways of responding to the constant changes that occur in our lives while working to identify what works to release the thought and emotional patterns that brought forth the tremors.

(Photo of me with my aunt’s dog)

I began my working career with 23+ years in higher education supporting development and public relations, executive education, rankings, website edits and working with various computer software programs both in Arizona at Thunderbird School of Global Management [now part of ASU] and in Georgia at Southern Polytechnic State University [now a part of Kennesaw State University].

Looking back over my life, I realize my first leap of faith was moving from Georgia to Arizona away from known friends and family based on the way the area made me feel. This taught me to follow my instincts, my intuition, honor what I am receiving for myself and push beyond perceived limitations.

I grew up just outside of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. I could not ever have imagined the twists, turns and steps that would take me on these many exciting and new life adventures!

Happy Cusomers

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"Look how happy she is to see you!!! What a wonderful expression on her face. Thank you for breaking up her day with lots of fun, love and treats. You are so very awesome, Kelly."

~ Donna M, Glendale, AZ

“YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! Thank you for taking our girl on such glorious walks. The wonderful sights and smells are most certainly increasing her quality of her life. I am so happy for her (and us, too!) that you're back!”

~ Glendale, AZ

“Thank you, Kelly. We so appreciate these walks you take her on. They’re good for our girl’s soul.”

~ T. M. Glendale, AZ