Lunar New Year: The Next Gateway Opens
Wednesday, January 29th introduces the next lunar or Chinese New Year which has a 12-year cycle of Animals with specific characteristics, traits, lessons and components at the base and then an element that can add deeper meaning. It can play a part for us whether on an emotional, mental, physical and/or experiential level of life.
New Habits Unexpected Changes – 2025 Off to a Quick Start
Have you ever noticed that when you sometimes bring in new habits, routines or unexpected changes occur that other routine tasks slip off the grid?
Finding Peace
Finding those peaceful moments can look different for each individual and what that represents…
Into the Layers Part III
As I dig into the layers of what feeling safe looks and feels like after this recent experience, I start removing the old to make way for the new…
My Nervous System’s Response Part 2
In part two of the three-part series, we look into my nervous system’s response to my recent experience…
Visits with Feline Friends
Cats versus dogs when it comes to number of visits it is more about how social they are and are you worried about the fact that your feline(s) have not ever been seen by anyone or hide when strangers visit….
Reframing from the Inside Out
Today was the day, to step back into my recent book and find the hidden gems through a series of flipping and reframing the experiences. To see the path forward clearly…
Scheduling Visits with Your Dogs
Let’s talk about health, well-being and emotions when it comes to your canine friends, time away, and scheduling visits with them.
Most veterinarians and the American Kennel Club state that the most a dog is to be left alone at any one time without an opportunity to relieve themselves is 6 hours with a maximum of 8 hours. This is due to the fact they can develop feelings of anxiousness, being scared or unappreciated behaviors like destroying things because of boredom….
Boundaries and Self-Care
My belief around physical medical conditions is that often the source starts with our thoughts and emotions – and then what we tell ourselves over and over, yet don’t truly release.
The Inner Game
It’s amazing sometimes what can open the door to anxiety within and how going alone…
What Would You Do, Who Would You Be
Why these questions? I’ve seen a lot of shifts in the health of those around me recently both in our animal friends and in people.
We all have the gift of choice....
Diving into the Deep
Recently I had a dream where I was scuba diving many feet below the surface of the water and practicing to go deeper...
Lessons from a Kitten
One of my teachings of being around the Youngsters from a previous blog brought through about the importance...
The Elders and New Middle Child
Let’s talk about the newly appointed middle child (human, dog, cat or otherwise), who awoke one day thinking ...
Arrival of the Youngsters!
Just in the last six weeks, I have met three kittens. In observing the three, all are fighters...
Perspectives of the Heart - Part Two
As I continue from last week’s blog in which I shared observations of healing from the outer perspective and what some of the inner changes are occurring for my own heart health...
Perspectives of the Heart – Part One
As an observer of several family members who have walked the path of heart discord, I have seen those that are challenged by food, smoking, or even working to identify the magical balance...