See the Forest Through the Trees

This week, many pain points were surfacing for a variety of reasons. Stuff from the past such as memories, perceptions, beliefs, or understandings from that younger version of me as well as the new ideas that have been flowing in that an aspect of my current self has been pushing for me to move forward.

Since the November fraud experience, new insights have emerged as to the key lessons from that situation which was less about those out there and what occurred.  For me, it has more to do with seeing, witnessing, feeling, and understanding the ways my nervous system was responding as well as for the first time there being enough power in the process for me to break through the block or wall that kept me silent in the past – and understand what needs to change or heal.

For decades, I have been digging into a diagnosis working to understand the root as to why it appeared and what was causing subsequent or heightened manifestations. I have seen improvements and setbacks.

The chiropractic adjustments I received for two and a half years worked to heal obstacles in the alignment of the physical structure with the spinal cord and I began feeling emotions arise during circumstances where there hadn’t been any for a long time. An aspect of the lessons was shown through my action steps.

That within my body or more specifically my brain there was some outdated code waiting to be faced, acknowledged, processed, and reprogrammed so that I am communicating with my brain and nervous system in a way it understands. Until now, I didn’t know that all the heightened appearances in new or different ways were a nervous system response and the brain asking what about now? I sense danger - is it the same as before?

And by me not acknowledging the sensation or stating the action, mannerisms, movement, proximity to the body or the like was in fact nothing to be afraid of and that I was in fact safe – the brain, the main communicator to the nervous system and the rest of the body said this is a dangerous situation – let’s send out an alert!

Another piece gleaned from all the clearing out of documents, passwords and the like works with the healing of the brain and nervous system as well via a concept of unlearning the pain in order to reprogram the brain as the computer of the body that all these experiences and situations are in fact safe ones and to some degree recall and resolve the old, trauma response emotions that were brought to the surface in a variety of experiences throughout childhood and beyond. Even those experiences in the gestation period felt and witnessed just before birth.

It is all connected.

I did not recognize the body’s shaking and the like as pain as it didn’t feel like what I knew or understood pain to feel like.

The forest through the trees moment includes other thought blockages that can keep us stuck in a loop of the details so focused on them, we are unable to clearly see what is truly before us. For me, that out of all the new ideas that came in the one that I had been mainly focused on is one that would keep me trapped in the challenge I am wanting to solve whereas the other ideas all have the potential to be the answer.

Does that mean the other idea is solely a test - not necessarily - it just means that it is not the solution for the current situation, and I was being given the choice to continue with the old way of processing and solving a problem or be able to reach beyond that normal response mechanism. The test aspect of it asked the question, could I slow my doing down enough to be with it long enough to recall the obstacle I was working to solve this time or would the old, normal way block that attempt into a new response. The old loop kept me in a constant state of doing as a way to avoid feeling and listening to my heart’s often-subtle voice from within over the loud voice of the old fighting to keep control to remain in the status quo status.

Yesterday morning the push by my brain was making me feel misunderstood and my plight or perspective unheard which is a place I have resided in for many years off and on. It took getting in my vehicle for a short drive to move the energy to open the door a bit. Then coming home to reorganize some paperwork.

This activity grounded my energy and nervous system allowing me to be present which cleared the fog from my thinking and allowed me to tap into the greater knowledge and much bigger picture rising above the old version of me that wanted to keep reflecting back to see the new me who broke free.

Paperwork is often connected to how our thoughts are. If you have piles of paperwork or it has become unorganized or is scattered all around often that can reflect the state of the mind. By reorganizing it and releasing the old, a difference can be felt almost immediately.

Now the forest is being seen, and I am learning to listen to myself, my brain and my body in new ways and more room is made for the new code.


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