What Advice Does Your Pet Give You?
Living now, what advice does your animal friends want you to know? Would your animal friends ask you to stay in fear or discomfort, continuing to follow a looping thread? Or would they ask you to stop the loop and halt the pattern that has played out far too long within you?
For many of us, the chaos of the past may not be far behind. It may have appeared as disease, illness, or pain on a personal or global level. What if we change our perspective to view our thoughts, body, and emotions differently? How have we learned throughout the years?
We have been learning from our experiences, what we’ve heard, and how we’ve seen others respond to their emotions. Recently, animal beings have been asking us to choose another way, to shift our perspective and act from a different viewpoint.
To achieve this new perspective, we must shift ourselves from the various ways we “do” or take action. Our ego often drives us to take action for the sake of action, blocking our way to joy, play, and healing. This was shown by a male animal friend sitting down between me and a female dog who wanted me to play and me doing something on my cellphone. Our animal friends ask us to step back, be mindful, and present. Observe what we’re feeling and thinking without immediately taking action. Allow ourselves to relax and unwind old patterns without self-judgment.
Notice how your animal family responds when you feel the need to take action, or we are spiraling out of control. Your pets often step in front of a speaker, sending a message that we are projecting what we choose to listen to, receive, and accept into our body. Question whether the information is truly meant for you and be mindful of your responses.
Acknowledging our animal friends is significant because it helps us recognize their teachings of unconditional love and new perspectives. It also let’s them know we have heard their messages. Celebrate understanding their messages, leading to moments of joy and self-love.
Reflect on past experiences and recognize patterns, loops, and wounds that have kept you stuck. By shifting your perspective and responding from a place of love, you can overcome challenges and embrace new opportunities.
Choose to live your life for yourself and be of service to others. By responding to the outside world from a space of being, new opportunities, joys, and love will show up. Live life from a higher perspective, responding in love.
If you are with your animal family members, thank them for teaching you about being, loving, the importance of play, and choosing you. Acknowledge their teachings and feel the unconditional love they share or have shared with you. Past, present, or future they receive. Celebrate stepping into awareness and understanding their messages. This is a moment of celebration, joy, and dance.