Into the Layers Part III
Written By K Vizzini
In this last segment of a 3-part blog series, I share the steps I took in my search to find resolution and begin to discover ways to move through the various levels of anxiousness that just hearing the person’s name, touching my computer, and seeing a text could bring.
There were moments of peace mixed with times fear and anxiousness filter in as to how quickly I needed to do the steps yet recognizing I could only do them one step at a time and I needed to take care of my body and my health - so sleep, food, and movement were musts despite the anxiety pushing to get everything accomplished as quickly as possible.
Steps I took:
1) Calling the bank(s) involved and freezing all transaction to/from the company or in my scenario the platform at the company level and freezing the platform
2) Removing what I witnessed the person use on my computer including several software programs: a) AnyDesk, b) LOGMEIN123 and one on my internet called
3) Reported the incident to the local police. In my state/city, you can file a report over the phone or meet an officer at your home. I chose the latter as it was important to see someone in person. I provided the officer with screenshots or pictures of all the fraudulent entries and transactions on all the platforms (banks, paypal, etc)
4) Got referrals for computer repair people who had experience with scams and identity theft (and notified them with what I had seen the person use and what had occurred
“I did not hesitate, did not pass go - I immediately dropped it it didn't feel safe to open it in the house…”
5) Using my cellphone, I began changing passwords as that was the first piece of information I found and what we regularly hear about.
6) Afterward, I heard about changing User IDs and Pins which I did as well.
7) Downloaded and trashed Documents from my Google Drive associated with one of the email addresses I saw him access.
8) Got a new Driver’s License where I observed any emotions noticing when and what triggered them - and what felt safe or unsafe in each experience.
9) I had online access to some accounts blocked.
10) Created new email addresses where it felt necessary. Note: Changing an email password may have been enough, it just wasn’t for me when my emotions seemed to be on an endless rollercoaster.
11) With some anxiousness and apprehension, I shared what occurred with some family members, friends and others who many had their own stories. We talked about the similarities between what I was feeling and experiencing along with their own encounters with home break ins, wallets stolen, scammers making contact to access credit cards and/or having numbers stolen or other circumstances. Although difficult to initially talk about, it actually helped to open up and share with others.
12) I took it a step further to clear out any saved passwords in Google, my computer and smartphone and also wiped my favorites. These latter items were not suggestions, I just found I needed to do them for me.
An unregulated nervous system can make one question everything around them.
Name(s)? It was somewhat of a shock to experience it with a customer service representative for a fraud department who had the same first name as the scammer. That one thing caused me to pause before I could move forward after double checking that I had called the number on the back of the bank card.
Time on Computer? This randomly occurred with even the length of time I could stay on the computer, have it on, and what not - and feel safe. It appeared in different ways and would take me becoming present with the experience, situation, or occurrence to understand the deeper meaning of each.
Solutions or Blocks? For example, thinking about getting an external monitor to connect to my cellphone which once I drilled down to the why, I discovered there was a fear connected to being on the computer too long, so after working through that understanding, I was able to move beyond it.If something along these lines happens to you or someone you know, these steps will get you on the path to resolution. You can also check into which guided me to more steps I could take depending on the circumstance.