The Inner Garden
New cycles open new doors and new levels as we release situations and experiences containing thoughts, emotions, energy, beliefs and ill-ness or dis-comfort that no longer serve our bodies or who we are transforming into. Many of us have gardens in our yards that we weed, nourish, nurture and that in turn feeds us. Focusing on the garden within our body, we are individually the ones who have the power to release the weeds that do not serve who we are growing into. What situations, people or places drain your energy, make your body ache, or give you a headache?
Recently after leaving a client’s house, I discovered my car just didn’t feel right – it was driving differently than normal. In the case of my car, it was a tire that was flat and so I went to a local place and had new tires put on as well as updated the spare from its original donut version that came with the car in 2003 (eighteen years is a long time for a tire to be in a trunk in the heat of Arizona!). While I was in the waiting room, I began developing a headache from the new tire fumes and started feeling my energy wane from the overall environment (lights, people, movement). Within two hours I went from energized to empty. I chose to release this experience and the energy through a cleansing shower literally allowing everything that didn’t serve me to go down the drain.
I find that our bodies can experience similar situations and we often need to ask ourselves the same questions:
· In what areas of my life am I feeling flat or at a loss of energy?
· Does something feel off when I am walking around emotionally or physically?
· Do I feel the need to do mundane things when I am supposed to meet up with particular people?
· If my body was the vehicle that I drive for work or play, how far would I get on what I feed her/him via food, water, energy, and those I am around?
· Am I being honest with myself as to what I need to release or what I need to say to be a healthier version of myself?
As we step into September, it is important to recognize what energizes, what depletes, what sharpens our focus, what blurs our vision, what guides us to keep moving, and what triggers us to go off track. Recognizing the need to do mundane things in lieu of taking action to meet someone, go someplace, make a phone call, or even taking the next step with a project is an act of avoidance. Going deeper into the why, taking inspired action to address yourself, the person or the situation will allow you to keep moving forward. Understanding what keeps us in harmony versus causes us to shift out of alignment within ourselves or the environment is key to us maneuvering through the upcoming months, the holidays, and the new opportunities coming our way.