The Pieces

While out on a recent hike, the Universe was teaching about the importance of the pieces and how one brings them together. So, what does it look like on a hike, for me the example was a series of shifts from one trail to several others. All the trails I have done before, just not in the order presented. It took me on a much longer, more expansive loop with a lot of uphill climbing. It took me longer to get to my destination, but it also took me further as everything lined up.

Several typical goals were reached much sooner than some paths I could take. The subject being taught was the importance of the pieces. Getting everything lined up and on target for those segments. One of the lessons had to do with showing me that the increased hydration, electrolytes, sleep, and other protocols I have been putting in place work for me to maintain my energy, the balance for the body, and how I feel overall. The importance of the resources and getting the pieces right will help me in the next moves of my journey.

There are several components I am still working on to get on track and to be consistent with them. Every piece is key to the next steps. Whether your path takes you on a journey of two miles or six, the process is important to building a strong, resilient foundation whether for your body, business, or life.

Just as the saguaro can look healthy on the top three fourths of its body, it isn’t until you get close that you see the cracks, splits, and the contributing factors for it falling across the path. What makes the difference may be as simple as what elements did it grow in throughout its early years. Was it born in a draught, or did it always have a water source whether from above or below? What pieces contributed to it having a strong foundation or a weak one? Throughout the Arizona summer months, I have seen many saguaros while out hiking. The only water source for these is what it finds through the elements. Of the thousands that are out there, I have seen several that have fallen of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Some with arms, some not. In most cases, it will come back to the foundation that is the difference.

When we speak of the pieces in our own foundation whether for our body or a business, often it is the shifts, some small and others large that help strengthen the base.


Upper-Level Conscious Training by Your Pets


Conscious Awareness with Your Pets