The Unknown Path

Many shifts today occurring in a young kitten’s life. He found himself without his mama, on the asphalt and near traffic. My roommate found him and looked everywhere around the area for his mama to no avail.

He was scared, not eating, or drinking. We put out the SOS looking for shelters, rescues and people who may be able to help. Within a few hours, we learned of a rescue willing to take him in the following morning. In the meantime, we watched him throughout the afternoon and night. We found kitty music with purring on in the background to help soothe him. I answered his cries doing my best to provide comfort to him.

We do not ever know what will land on our path whether out on a road or in our own home. All we can do is our best in the moment, breathe and take the next step to keep moving forward. We have been through many changes over the past year, some have helped us grow in ways we did not believe possible while others shifted our trajectory, some triggered a pause and changed the way we lived. We have experienced the walk through unknowns just like my kitty friend one step at a time.

May your journey today through change keep you moving. May the courage within guide you through your own unknowns. And may you discover peace in your heart.


Reaching Beyond Uncomfortable


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