Animal Reiki for Pets (and animals)
Changes in household members, job anxiety, changes in the way we do things and health issues can affect your animal family members as well as you. Animals are happiest and most balanced when we are. They often feel our human anxieties, emotions and related health symptoms. Animals experience the human responses of anger, frustration, fear, sadness and worry as a dense and heavy energy whereas joy, play and love are light and airy.
It assists the animals or pets with:
processing grief and loss of a companion animal or person.
signs of anxiousness in their behavior when changes occur to their routine.
separation anxiety whether from you going away, someone moving out or going off to college.
dealing with a traumatic event such as abuse/neglect, illness or moving.
receiving medical treatments as a supportive or complementary therapy.
close to transitioning for its relaxing and soothing qualities.
walking the path with an ill pet or person by supporting and aiding in their recovery or needs to clear any heaviness.
Reiki is beneficial to all types of animal beings. They tend to be more relaxed, open, and at ease in their own environment regardless of whether they live in your home, a stall, or elsewhere. With that in mind, I come to them. During a session, you may notice your pets or animals drinking more water, hungrier or even sneezing. They, just like us convert energy differently.
Animal Reiki sessions are $50. Based on your location, a travel charge may apply to in-person sessions. I also offer remote sessions where the energy is sent via intention.
As a Reiki/energy healing practitioner, I do not diagnose.
Reiki is not a substitute for professional veterinary care or professional medical care.
Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics
Developed by Kathleen Prasad, Founder of Animal Reiki Source
Guiding Principles:
I believe the animals are equal partners in the healing process.
I honor the animals as being not only my clients, but also my teachers in the journey of healing.
I understand that all animals have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, to which Reiki can bring profound healing responses.
I believe that bringing Reiki to the human/animal relationship is transformational to the human view of the animal kingdom.
I dedicate myself to the virtues of humility, integrity, compassion and gratitude in my Reiki practice.
In working on myself, I follow these practices:
I incorporate the Five Reiki Precepts into my daily life and Reiki practice.
I commit myself to a daily practice of self-healing and spiritual development so that I can be a clear and strong channel for healing energy.
I nurture a belief in the sacred nature of all beings, and in the value and depth of animalkind as our partners on this planet.
I listen to the wisdom of my heart, remembering that we are all One.
In working in the community, I hold the following goals:
I model the values of partnership, compassion, humility, gentleness and gratitude in my life and with the animals, teaching by example.
I work to create professional alliances and cooperative relationships with other Reiki practitioners/teachers, animal health-care providers and animal welfare organizations in my community.
I strive to educate my community in its understanding of the benefits of Reiki for animals.
I continually educate myself to maintain and enhance my professional competence so that I uphold the integrity of the profession.
I consider myself an ally to the veterinary and animal health community. I work to support their efforts in achieving animal wellness and balance. I honor other disciplines and their practitioners.
In working with the human companions of the animals, I will:
Share information before the treatment about my healing philosophy, the Reiki healing system and what to expect in a typical treatment, as well as possible outcomes, including the possibility of healing reactions.
Provide a clear policy ahead of time regarding fees, length of treatment and cancellation policy, as well as "postponement" policy, should the animal not want the treatment that day.
Never diagnose. I will always refer clients to a licensed veterinarian when appropriate.
Honor the privacy of the animals and their human companions.
Share intuition received during Reiki treatments, with compassion and humility, for the purpose of supporting their understanding of the healing process.
Respect the human companion's right to choose the animal's healing journey, selecting the methods, both holistic and/or conventional that he or she deems most appropriate, with the support and advice of a trusted veterinarian.
In working with the animals, I follow these guidelines:
I work in partnership with the animal.
I always ask permission of the animal before beginning, and respect his or her decision to accept or refuse any treatment. I listen intuitively and observe the animal's body language in determining the response.
I allow each animal to choose how to receive his or her treatment; thus each treatment could be a combination of hands-on, short distance and/or distant healing, depending on the animal's preference.
I let go of my expectations about how the treatment should progress and/or how the animal should behave during the treatment, and simply trust Reiki.
I accept the results of the treatment without judgment and with gratitude toward Reiki and the animal's openness and participation in the process.
Copyright © 2007, Animal Reiki Source
You may copy this information in its entirety for use on your website or in professional and/or teaching materials as long as copyright remains intact.
Happy Reiki Customers
“Our cat Snickers had always been a nervous soul, literally from the time we brought him home from the rescue shelter. Painfully shy around newcomers, frightened of sudden movements and sounds, and all too willing to disappear for days or weeks on end. For the first two years of his life with us, he was a veritable case of feline PTSD.
That changed two summers ago after undergoing Reiki with my sister Kelly, who was vising us at the time. The first time Kelly administered Reiki, Snickers immediately took notice and began to rub up against her and purr. A little unexpected, to be sure, but a reaction nonetheless. Far more surprising was Snickers’ behavior after subsequent sessions. For starters, Snickers, or Mr. Fraidy Cat as we knew him, gravitated toward Kelly. He sat beside her, on her lap, in her bed, etc.—a complete departure from his normal habits. He also decided that he apparently liked to be in the midst of people and/or other pets, as opposed to hiding, his former M.O.
For the first several weeks after Kelly’s visit, Snickers stayed home, often lying on or next to folks, greeting guests at the door, and, essentially, behaving like the polar opposite of the neurotic kitty we had known from the time he was a kitten. Even six to nine months later, he remained far more calm than at any previous time and, while he would still venture outdoors, he invariably returned within a day (a sharp contrast with previous disappearances that lasted weeks, involved daily calls to Animal Control officers, etc.)
This Fall, nearly two years after Kelly’s last Reiki session with him, Snickers disappeared for several weeks—the first time since his introduction to Reiki. That aside, he remains to this day one of our most friendly and loving cats, and a sharp contrast with the cat he had been before discovering the wonders of Reiki."
~ Bryan V. (Texas)
"Just wanted to thank u so much for your session with my dog Saturday. I just got done playing with her. She is behaving so puppy like and brings me much joy to see her feeling so awesome. She also climbed the 3 steps up to my kitchen all by herself tonight which she hasn't been able to do without assistance! It is like I got my pup back." ~ Tanner's Mom (Arizona) Tanner (age 15)
”Buddy was a recent rescue that had abandonment issues. He had the bad habit of barking the whole time we were away from the house and he passed this on to my other dog. Neighbors left messages on our door with complaints of our dogs barking all day, so my boyfriend installed a camera in our backyard so we witnessed the barking ourselves. I talked with Kelly about this and she came over and had her session with both dogs. Kelly had a calming effect when interacting with my dogs. They responded well to her and even my timid dog gravitated to her and seemed comfortable with Kelly during her session. Kelly's session with Buddy and Pebbles resulted in the dogs displaying calmer behavior when we were not at home.”
~ Tammy J. (Arizona)