5 Steps to Help Your Pets

Help your pets as you identify your new normal in transition with these five steps. I have written about the anxiousness that can occur during the pandemic which can trigger behavioral changes. They can go through periods of separation anxiety after weeks and/or months of having you all to themselves only to wake one day to you being away more. You can start helping them today, by doing these five steps:

1) When you leave the house, regardless of how long you will be gone, let them know when you will be back. They too become anxious when they awake, and you are not there. Giving them a frame of reference can calm them. As a pet sitter, I can tell you that 95 percent of pets can recognize time in some format whether it is a length of time or a time of day. The dogs and cats will walk me towards the door (yes, cats too) and dogs I take on walks will return to the house 5- to 10-minutes before it is time for me to leave without me ever looking at my watch. Some dogs will walk into their kennels or crates when it is a few minutes before. And others will sit near the door when they know I am to arrive which has been witnessed by an owner or two. Sharing with them the actual time of day or if you are going to be gone overnight, letting them know the number of sunrises until your return will reduce their anxiety.

2) Let them know that your schedule is changing and if you know how it is going to change, tell them. Keeping your pets in the loop is key to reducing anxious behavior. Verbally communicating with your pets is as important as speaking with anyone else in your family. They do their best to understand your body language, your energy or emotions and the words you are saying to others as well as any images you share knowingly or not. They are listening when you say their name to them or to someone else and do their best to understand. Communicate with them about changes taking place in simplified language just as you might speak to a young child and it is important to repeat as you lead up to the change.

3) Tell them you love them and tell them often. If you leave for a trip, let them know you love them and will return. They tell us in so many ways. Let them hear you.

4) Make time in your day to do something with them. If you will be out of the house or on your computer at home a lot, schedule time on your calendar for them and let them know you will play, walk, or connect with them at that time. Letting them know you see them as important too. They may choose to come over and lay down near you while you make phone calls or are on zoom meetings, often they can tell when you or the other person needs some support whether in person, on a phone call or on a zoom meeting. They like to help others too. Sometimes they know when you are needing a break and will do their best to offer love, comic relief, or companionship to give you some support as well.

5) Repeat the first four steps often. Just as it took you time to adjust to your current schedule, learn a new language or way of communicating, it takes them time to adjust. Loving your pets means being patient.


Holding Space: From Fearful to Friendly


Return to Normal – The Pet Response