A Pet’s Response Shifts from Normal to Stressed
This may seem like a small thing, but it can be a big thing to your animal family members.
You have a routine when you are here, that an electronic device runs daily. All seems to be fine with your pets when you are home. They are not bothered by anything in the environment typically.
Then on the day I am there, your animal friend is getting stressed by it. It’s important as pet care professionals that we observe what is causing the stress and what actions or responses occur from the family members we are watching or visiting. It is key to listen to their nonverbal and verbal cues and for us to take appropriate action.
We are often the voices for the animal beings and to be the voice we often need to take action against what is your normal or a routine item when you are home especially when it is for the well-being of them.
Rarely is it as simple as it being just the item regardless of what that is. There can be other dynamics in play:
The weather may preclude their normal response.
It can be the loudness in the moment.
Where the item is at.
The sound after a week of loud noises can become an element.
Or, it can be the timing of it.
Becoming aware of his, her or their responses through sight, sound or the energy of the emotions such as:
A feeling of them not being able to get away from it.
How it feels to them within their body.
It could be being chased by a similar item or by a similar sounding item.
All of these can elevate a typical normal response to a stress response for your animal companions just as it can for a person.
So this day it may be as simple as turning off the device. Next it could be playing in a different area, or when temperatures are not a factor, exiting the house.
Above all it is important that their voice is heard, their distress acknowledged, and action taken to relieve or remove the irritant. When the routine goes from normal to a heightened level it is important that those caring for your animal companions have the flexibility to shift the routine.