Actions Lead to Clues - the Messages of the Animals

You may be wondering what do your animal companions communicate and just how can their messages help us on our own journeys. I can share a recent experience with two different animal family households and how the information came across to me.

First off, some background on the characters…often the animals themselves have one or two key lessons that they are working to communicate, and it is often breaking down the actions that lead to the clues. One of the key players has always been a teacher of boundaries more from the perspective of how to share when someone has crossed a line. An example of this player’s teachings is you pick up a toy that is your animal companion’s with the intention to play with your friend and the individual starts pulling at your pant leg. This individual sees your move to pick up the toy as crossing a boundary, so they do the same to you by grabbing ahold of something perceived to belong to you.

The latest teaching of this individual is who are you giving your power to through a showing of dominance and surrender– for example, there are several other animal individuals in this household that need connection. As you attempt to give to another, a second individual is playing the “me” card by calling to you, but what they really want is to take your attention away from the third kid as well as get you to respond as that is part of the game of keeping ahold of your attention versus actually connect. The second player is also sharing the importance of self-care, presence, eliminating the electronics, choosing connection with nature, and just being. The third player shares the importance of taking time for those you love even if you occasionally need to lock a door to do so.

Another message that came through is that often the quiet and misunderstood do not know how to bridge the gap to be seen while others are seen yet do not know how to move forward by choosing different responses or actions. While others were teaching the key to my next steps is through being still and going within as much as possible right now as this will cause a release of the old and faster movement to digging deep within to discover the hidden treasure beneath the surface. The latter brought through with multiple felines meditating with me for long periods then taking care of business only to race through the house up and over things to leap upon a box while they scratch at the surface then momentarily walk under a bed to hide themselves from view before coming out to a hallway which is passage between one place or situation ending in the entryway representing the new coming in.

You may wonder the speed at which these messages come through. Many began communicating at day one, some I received the understanding at that time while others it has taken re-evaluation of the symbols and actions to get past other words that surfaced for the actions displayed, while many came through once the assignment concluded as I had some time to integrate the pieces. It can take upwards of a few days to two weeks or as quickly as in the moment – one thing is for sure the actions lead to clues which guide the way to their messages - and often big picture view is key to the process.


Dream Visitations and the Next Hike


Messages of the Snake