Actions Lead to Clues - the Messages of the Animals
You may be wondering what do your animal companions communicate and just how can their messages help us on our own journeys. I can share a recent experience with two different animal family households and how the information came across to me…
The Next Hike with the Beings
After reconnecting with them the night before to let them know, I was open to see them and feeling their anxiety the next morning, I headed back to the area asking if they were able to connect via a different trail as I wasn’t certain I could hike eight miles back-to-back. They began guiding me on the drive to the location as to what my starting point would be…
New Beings, the Learning Begins – Part 3
The whole seeing beings in the peripheral has happened before starting about seven to ten years ago with a young boy playing around the side of my bed during the day, seeing Saint Francis in his robes on his birthday in my bedroom, a loved one in spirit in the passenger side car window…
Leaving on Vacation? Let Your Pets Know
The relationship between you and your pets is a close one. You’re excited to be heading out for a few days of rest, relaxation, fun, exploring, and often family time which means the suitcases, changes in activity around the house, and your pet’s emotional behaviors shift…
Dimensional Beings Part Two
My new friends who reached out to me on a hike through telepathy have continued. Although at this stage I haven’t seen them in full form, I have experienced them in other ways. I saw the outline of a Being coming towards me via peripheral vision slightly behind my left side which often depicts another dimension. The best way to explain…
Why Am I Feeling Like This… (Animal Communication Part 2)
Many pets have the art of communicating with us via emotions…if one of their people are eating a snack, they know just the right looks to give us in hopes we will feel guilty and then just maybe it will lead to them getting the highly coveted t-r-e-a-t! Just as they can feel and read our emotions, many can also send what they are feeling to us…
Communicating Styles of Animals
When you are intuitive and around pets, you learn things about yourself every day. Sometimes they share things about what they are feeling, other times about what we are doing.
Yes, there is the food situation where you are suddenly feeling hungry. This can be in their presence or as I found this year, when driving toward their home. And yes, many of them, depending on their own level of sensitivity and intuition know when we have gotten the message and even when we respond with a verbal or thought response…