The Next Hike with the Beings

After reconnecting with them the night before to let them know, I was open to see them and feeling their anxiety the next morning, I headed back to the area asking if they were able to connect via a different trail as I wasn’t certain I could hike eight miles back-to-back. They began guiding me on the drive to the location as to what my starting point would be by a landmark type of saguaro that I first saw earlier this year and they would give me more direction after I arrived. This second hike experience with them was different as I did not receive via the telepathy, but in other ways of knowing what was meant for me in the unique manners that communications came through as well as sightings of other beings (human and animal). Just before reaching the first landmark, I once again saw something out of peripheral vision that I didn’t fully understand as it moved in a way I haven’t seen before, and I did not see it in its entirety. It was something my brain was working to comprehend the movement.

I was then guided to a trail sign of where they wished me to go next, a location I had been once before just this year. They showed another saguaro – this one I had taken pictures the previously time as it to me had a totem-like ancient feel to it. It felt like they were sharing that I had picked up or tuned into and recognized the symbols that were important to them on some level. After that they showed me an image of a large rock that I had noticed the last time that they wanted me to go towards. This hike felt pivotal in many ways. I was understanding the different ways they communicated and they what I understood. As I moved along the trail and their landmarks, I noticed other things and formations of other rock structures that had not been present the first time. The one looked like a gateway of sorts.

It was around this point I turned around and noticed a small rabbit on the trail which I initially said a bunny and was corrected. It stopped as they typically do when being seen. When I acknowledged it and said it was okay it walked towards me before taking off in one direction. Then another appeared and a third after it, all doing the same thing stopping, walking directly towards me a few feet which is unusual of rabbits and then moving off into the bushes and poking their head up, around, and atop it to watch me. This was a communication from the Beings that they can communicate with and through the animal beings and these have shared messages on their behalf as to where they are in proximity to where I am – and what stage of connection they themselves are in.

With the rabbits, they were slowly coming closer, but they were apprehensive too and watching me curiously a safe distance away. I acknowledged the message and said one step at a time. As I started to walk back along the trail just before getting to the gateway rocks, I heard someone talking behind me and turned to see a guy with earbuds with two dogs that wore no collars and no leashes coming toward me. As I let them pass, the dogs went around me in a wide arc which is very unusual movement.

As I continued on my way, the guy with the dogs came back a few minutes later saying to the pups tell your new friend goodbye. What I have learned is any time a statement sounds unusual in the way it comes across there is something more to it. The first time I had this feeling was with my paternal grandmother who passed in March of 1990 and it was an experience in a dream where someone said “we need to dress you so she will recognize you” as I passed by a closed door. Yes an unusual thing to hear even in a dream. In this case, there was a key meaning to a person I had met at an event that night before going to bed and having this dream experience in 2008.

Stay tuned as this thread of learning continues.


Messages of the Snake


How Deep is Your Love