For the Highest and Greatest Good

Knowing when it is time for you to step up to aid your pet’s life journey can be a difficult decision regardless of when it is the question of whether:

·        they are the right fit for your family

·        a medical condition is beyond your capabilities

·        they are declining in health

Over this past year, I have experienced several pet parents dealing with their own challenges along these lines. It often comes down to the question of have, I done everything I can do to offer them a quality life and what is my next step going to be.

When it comes to pets moving on to new families, moving out with another family member, going through various medical procedures, or taking the step to help them pass peacefully – it all comes back in my heart to what is in the highest and greatest good of all involved. And knowing, the answer may still be the most difficult decision you have to make in the name of love. One that occurs readily in both dealing with people and our animal companions.

Often when we are asking ourselves the questions, we already know subconsciously the answer. However, as people we immediately go to the emotion of guilt and disbelief of what is surfacing. The phrases how could I think that or why would I say that come through. We have all gone through the growing pains of change whether family dynamics, health, or home. Sometimes asking the question of are they thriving, or surviving will help in moving through the subject to reach an answer.

What I have learned in walking the journey with pet friends, my dad, and relatives alike is that for the highest and greatest good has many perspectives. I can say without a doubt that in the hours, days, weeks, and years that follow they will find ways to reach out to you - and not ever in judgement, but with love and joy of having experienced life with you.


Is the Light Calling


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