Life Shifts
The changes that can occur in five short weeks can be overwhelming physically mentally or even emotionally depending on the challenge that you awaken too. We also have a choice as to what emphasis we place on the experience and the manner we permit it to affect us.
Five weeks ago, I awoke to a text message at 5am from a current landlord sharing that the place I was living in would be placed on the market the following week. In that moment, I did not know what to feel, think or experience and this would continue for several days during which time a realtor and her photographer came out to review the place for the listing.
The hindsight and even the present moment told me this was a time of having faith and trust in the process while walking through the emotions and hamster wheel thoughts that arose through the process as I worked with the pets in my care and packing the things that I might not need in the interim as people began doing walkthroughs. I will say being in one of my busy seasons helped with keeping me mostly out of the erratic energy and apprehension of what my next steps may be as the hours led to days.
The next phase began with the looking at rentals in the surrounding areas as I worked to stay in my pet care territory. This stage brought in thoughts around what I would need furniture wise as in 2016, I moved into this furnished rental placing my furnishings in storage for two- and a half years. Later releasing the storage unit giving some of the items to a friend who moved into a new place, kept my paternal grandmother’s cedar chest and some boxed items releasing the rest of the furniture to donation. Thinking about what I may require in moving into an unfurnished place was a process in gratitude for what I had as part of living in the existing place from seven years.
My roommate and I have been able to support one another as we went through the roller coaster of emotions in finding options within or stretching us a bit in our budget. I found I was sharing more than I have in the past around what I was feeling and experiencing in the process.
A week ago the new buyers of my current home shared that they would keep it as a rental and identified some of their outlook for it and the new monthly rent for which my roommate and I decided to stay. The journey continues as I go through a clearing of accessories and décor that the previous owner and the new buyers didn’t want - and identify what I want to hold onto and what to release as I also choose what of my own I can unpack after 7 years to use.
There is some excitement around being able to make the place more ours by over time replacing the heavier furnishings for some of our own for when we both are ready for getting our own places down the road. Plus we can enjoy the items that are more to our individual liking in our current space while we are here.
All of this is a reminder that incremental growth and changes take time as there are a lot of unknowns still in play as the new takes shape.