Listening to our Body and Stepping Up to Take Responsibility
In the last month, a lot of self-care messages have been showing up in those around me like clients, friends, family, and myself. These are being delivered and received in various ways. Some in flashback like moments to an earlier injury that resurfaces for more healing and release. Perceptions jarred awake via the difference between how long we think healing takes versus the reality and often remembering to include oneself in the equation of life. Asking ourselves, what do I need today and honoring the answer by following the lead of the body, mind, emotions, and intuition by incorporating the needs voiced in that moment. As I began writing this blog, the angel number 11:11 showed up as confirmation to the importance of this message at this time…an awakening to new responses is necessary.
Is it time? Is it quiet? Is it compassion? Is it rest? Is it connection with nature? What is your body, mind, spirit is requesting from you? And, now that you have heard it, what are you going to do for this one body that we were given?
The message I have been receiving is around sweets, sugary foods, or drinks, and that it is guiding me to a lights out experience by choosing these options for my needs. Not the direction I want to go. I had been doing well and then the layering of various stressors began piling on. For me, this began before the holidays and continued through this week. I have noticed when I need to refill my energy after helping others, it often leads me to looking for the sweetness of life…which the quick fix in the past and in the reoccurring moments comes in the form of candy. It does not do anything for the beneath the surface or source thoughts, emotions, energy or pains as that candy or sugar is not what my body needs, it is not what my energy needs either.
What I need is to remember to check in with myself at the start of the day and refill myself at the end of the day - not with food, but with things I love doing. That can be enjoying nature, going for a walk to clear the mind, turning on some music and dancing to release the weight of the day. Sometimes it is walking outside and just taking several deep breaths. Taking a few minutes to sit on my balcony, breathe and listen to the sounds of nature while winding down for the night regardless of the time showing on the clock. Giving the love, moments, and space to myself.
Self care or self love as it is often referred is more important now than ever before. Only we have the power to help ourselves, as it is only us that hears that inner voice that our body, mind and spirit is speaking. We can want others to help and on a certain level they can, but as far as the doing aspect that comes back to ourselves doing the work, making the changes and following through on our own decisions. We create our individual reality from how we respond and what actions we take whether it is no action, or we ignore the message, whether we choose to moderate it or completely change the way we are doing something. It is our response, solely in our own hands that creates the situations or experiences that show up in our lives.
I am reminded with my messages that filling myself up starts and ends at home with me first and foremost. I have to give to myself in order to have something to give to others. And food alone is not enough. I need to move, relax, rejuvenate, maintain my energy, observe what causes changes in my energy and implement the new ways of being to keep myself where I need to be for me to help others.
My inner voice has given me the directives. I have heard, acknowledged and received her message. I now have the responsibility to take action.
What will you do for you?