The Eyes of a Move

Over this past year, the vastness of perspectives has expanded more and more. We are learning just how many individual ways there are to look at subjects of all types. We all hold personal meanings per our unique experiences. What is important to us is as different as the people gazing through the eyes of our souls.

We can look at one example of this in the way people choose to pack for a move. Some will do an item-by-item review to determine whether the object will go to the next location, be donated, be sold, or trashed before ever placing it in a box for moving. Many will schedule multiple donation pickup days as something to work towards. Others will pack everything themselves boxing and wrapping items for a self-move while more will hire a company to do all the packing and moving. Several will go through the clearing after the boxes get to the destination based on available space. There is no right or wrong, just a matter of what aligns for the unique individuals and the way the person’s mind processes the activity.

Similarly, everyone packs the boxes differently. Some with a lot of packing paper based on the items entering the box; others look at the distance the box will need to travel as a determining factor of how much padding the items get. Many will write on the box what it encompasses and yet others will number the boxes listing on a separate sheet of paper what is included in the contents. While others will write which room on the actual box, some will use different colors of tape or labels as identifiers.

Having moved myself four times here in Arizona in the past twenty-one years and helped friends pack and move ten times, I can attest we all do it uniquely based on our personalities and experiences. The more I have helped others clear, pack and move, I have discovered the easier it is for me to personally release physical and mental stuff. One common factor I have recognized throughout these years is the great mind and body workout as we create physical motion in our outer world, inner movement is also created.

Everyone gets to the destination regardless of what their move has entailed or the order in which the steps were done. Life is about the journey and how we choose to live it. It is not about the destination. We will all get there in our own unique manner at the moment we are meant to be there. No right. No wrong. Just that which is in alignment with who we are as a person.


Listening to our Body and Stepping Up to Take Responsibility


A Request for More