Mind over Matter

Hiking in the summer months in Arizona is about doing things in new ways with a new focal point. Seeing with new eyes. Sometimes the biggest challenge comes with looking at the temperature when you first wake. Lately my guides and body have said to stop doing that as we can allow our perception of the number to sabotage our progress and to stop all the forward momentum.

Doing something in a new way has to begin with mindset - and we have the opportunity and power to make big changes or tweaks to the way we see or experience it. In the past I have given that morning temperature a lot of my power. Now is a new day and it’s time to take back my power from it.

In a range of 6 days, I did the same 4-mile hike 3 times, and each day was different in the way it felt, my energy, what felt hard, and the length of time to complete it. The key influences were my perceptions around my abilities, what areas I labeled difficult, the heat factor, and the time on the clock.

The first day, I pushed myself to get it done in 90 minutes and I felt the push/pull in my muscles, in the way my body was tired, and my focus on projects. The second day of this trail, I was more focused on taking whatever time I needed to complete it with making some other tweaks in mindset and it took me about 2 hours yet there were still some areas of challenge within and externally. The third day I focused on self forgiveness, on telling my body that I love her, self acceptance, and acknowledging all the things my body can do. I noticed that I stood up taller, was more confident in the way I maneuvered over the rocks and the trail. The trail felt easy, enjoyable and every aspect was fun. The weather felt beautiful and I completed it in less than 90 minutes.

If you find that you have a challenging relationship with the temperature gauge or in another area of your life or body, try flipping or reframing how you speak to yourself, your body, and what you give your power to – then shift your focus.  Your mindset is the key.


Fireworks, Loud Noises, Smoke, and Your Pets 


New Beings, the Learning Begins – Part 3