New Paths

We all at some point have experienced what it is like to start something new in our lives. Whether a business project, living at a new home or just doing something in a new manner. We often question if we are to go back, if we missed something, or even if we are to keep moving forward. Many times, the key to shift out of the back-and-forth motion is to lean into the uncomfortableness allowing the reason to surface as to why we want to go back to what we have always known versus moving forward opening ourselves to call the new into your life.

Examples can be brought through to us in the physical, via the mind, via an emotional situation, or even through the dream state. For me I had a recent experience on a new hiking trail. On my way into the park, a coyote crossed the road ahead of me. Coyote’s message for me was about being playful and having fun while making my own path when it came to a project I was working on. I did not have any intention beyond being outside in nature. I did not know the length of the trail or how long I would stay out there, so allowed spirit to guide me as I went from one trail to another as they continued branching off and connecting with others.

I felt anxious at points and struggled with going back but was continuously guided and told to keep moving forward by the desert hoppers (one of Arizona’s grasshoppers like animals) that were on the paths with me along with my guides. When I finally connected with a trail I had been on previously, I quickly learned that this part of the trail I had not been on. I was very much outside my comfort zone. That feeling of being turned around not sure if I was headed in the correct direction. I was very much connected to a journey through the unknown. Three- and- a half hours and 12,000 steps later, I returned to my car. As I exited the park, I stopped to assist a desert tortoise with safe passage to the other side of the road walking beside it as he made his journey. It felt like I was paying it forward for all the assistance I received on the path. Some of the messages of the tortoise beyond slow and steady is self-love and trusting the process and to always celebrate the journey.

Remember friends that with each new road we travel and the new steps or perspectives we experience, it is very important to celebrate the accomplishments, and acknowledge the lessons as well as the love found.


Animals Communicating


Listening to our Intuition