What’s Your Recipe for Self-Care?
Self-care means many different things to various people. Growing up in the 70s and 80s, it wasn’t even a thing that was talked about, learned in health class, or found in books. It was perceived as something done for weight control not necessarily for healing.
Movement and the Art of Traveling
Over the past several years, the word travel or traveling has taken on new meaning along with walking. I have come to see it as less about a destination and more about living life. Where every experience…
Shaking Hands with the Uncomfortable
Recently I felt wishy washy when it came to going to a local place for a walk. A place I often go and yet this particular day I was not feeling it. I checked in with myself about going and knew I needed to do so to get some movement in before jumping on the computer to work on my business before heading on a trip. So often, I get caught up in wanting to get project x-y- and z completed and put myself or my health on the back burner…