Wise Words from a Feline Elder
Recently while visiting with a wise elder cat, she offered the guidance of the importance of focusing my attention on that which is the sweetness of life. And that by doing so it would ensure a new beginning.
Sometimes we give our mind full rein to guide us when really the key to welcoming the new into our physical world is to connect through our hearts to the way we want to feel living our dreams. Or what we hope to experience. What are the joys, the love, the new opportunities that focusing our attention on the emotions will call into our lives based on the inner changes and shifts we have made recently, weeks or months ago or in the moment? All of these can raise our vibration to open our hearts to that which we are bringing forth into our future.
Focusing on the sweetness of life opens us to the miracles that are waiting for us to sync to its energetic vibe and listen to the guidance spoken to us whether through an animal friend, a loved one, a spiritual connection, another entity or our own intuition.
If answering the question, causes you to pause to recall what the sweetness in life means to you, then you may need to step back, look at yourself from a big picture view, write out a list and focus on what you wrote out daily for a few weeks. It can be key to your personal or business boundaries as well as who you are as a person.
Old habits can keep us from the beauty, laughter, and joys that often surround us, but are rarely seen with the eyes of our past. To see the sweetness of today, we must live in the present moment releasing the old ways of seeing life to step into the new more confidently and concretely that we are creating. The sweetness of life is within reach for all of us.