Lessons from a Kitten
One of my teachings of being around the Youngsters from a previous blog brought through about the importance...
Walking the Publishing Journey Part I
If you have ever wondered what does publishing a book look like and what all goes into the process, this 2-part series of blogs will shed some light on the components…
Stepping Out and Stretching
Stepping outside a comfort zone, stretching ourselves to be, think, or live life from a new perspective can be vastly different depending on who we are, the way we take risks, do we push our own boundaries, do we try new things or stick with the tried and true that has worked for us in the past. All of these contribute to what it looks like to step outside our home box.
Building a New Level of Relationship
Recently I had the opportunity to connect with a cat who previously I met while feeding some feral cats at a client's house. Whenever I would see her outside on the patio, she was very hesitant to be near me…
Shaking Hands with the Uncomfortable
Recently I felt wishy washy when it came to going to a local place for a walk. A place I often go and yet this particular day I was not feeling it. I checked in with myself about going and knew I needed to do so to get some movement in before jumping on the computer to work on my business before heading on a trip. So often, I get caught up in wanting to get project x-y- and z completed and put myself or my health on the back burner…