Building a New Level of Relationship

Recently I had the opportunity to connect with a cat who previously I met while feeding some feral cats at a client's house. Whenever I would see her outside on the patio, she was very hesitant to be near me and would generally retreat a few feet as I put food out or cleaned and refreshed the water bowl. 

I softly spoke with her any time I saw her, letting her know what I was doing and that she didn't need to be afraid. She stood nearby, not running away, but not ready to step forward to truly face the apprehensions that held her back.

When I checked in to learn whether there were any changes since my last assignment with the client, I discovered that this feral cat had moved inside and stayed under the main bed.  I was told that she may come out if I call her name. 

That's what I did. It was amazing to see the difference in her response to me. She immediately came over to connect surprising me with this vast shift in her personality. During every visit afterward, she would come out before I even spoke her name. Rubbing herself against my legs or hands, allowing me to touch her and fully connect. 

It was also interesting to view the affect this girl had on the other cats. You could tell they all got along, and she was not fearful of the others in any way. Those that tended to be more allusive were coming out more. She is one who previously would lay on the patio close to the door while the inside kitties slept on the other side, and you could tell it was in companionship with no challenges. 

She experienced the easiest shift from being a feral to being fully inside. It was such a great thing to see and to have the opportunity to create a whole new relationship with her was priceless. Often a pet visit is considered solely about being of assistance to the pets in my care and that is a huge part of what I do. However, the animal beings can teach us so much about ourselves, our lives, and the journey we are walking together.

It is not a one-sided relationship. There is so much we receive from the opportunity to connect and be with one another. Somewhere along the way, the relationship transforms into a friendship.


The Messenger


Shaking Hands with the Uncomfortable