What Would You Do, Who Would You Be
Why these questions? I’ve seen a lot of shifts in the health of those around me recently both in our animal friends and in people.
We all have the gift of choice.
Sometimes it is as simple as what am I having for dinner or what am I wearing?
Change can occur in the blink of an eye. What we were doing a moment ago and what seemed important is replaced by a new focus.
The questions of what would I do and who would I be need a further element of distinction…?
I have heard the statements:
- Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed
- Use it or Lose it
Many of us may read or hear the first one, yet not know how to respond, move forward, or what needs to shift.
We may see the second one as connected to inanimate objects.
However, what if we add these statements as bullet points beneath the subject of the body first then our work, our relationships and our life.
Does that shift how these statements are experienced? Does it flip the script in the way we think, feel, act, and the choices we make?
What about the bigger questions?
What would you do this moment if we truly experienced life from the perspective that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed and if we do not use it, we may lose it?
Would we start taking a step towards that one thing we always say to ourselves when xyz happens or occurs I will do this” or would it land on the backburner again with us then saying “I wish we had more time”
Fill in the sentence below for yourself knowing likely there is more than one or two:
- When (fill in) happens, I will do (this)
How many of these are personally connected to something you want for you?
I have heard others and even myself at times say I can’t at this time, yet the money, time, opportunity will arise if someone else needs it.
Sometimes we hold on so tight that movement in the form of new incoming energy, self-love (and/or care), and new experiences cannot occur.
If we are saving something for a rainy day or when everything lines up, something else will often take its place.
So this was the subject that surfaced in my hike, upon waking each morning, asking ourselves what is that one thing I am going to do for myself today? And start addressing your list of the things, actions, experiences that have been put on the backburner for too long…
Here’s the thing if you had the choice how would you choose:
- The new bed versus the one that is difficult to make or hurts your back
- The new or newer vehicle that gets you to those places you want to go versus constantly living in fear that it isn’t going to make it or getting frustrated because there is another item on the list of things you do or places you’d go if/when you have a better vehicle.
- The healthier food options that you have been wanting, but don’t feel like you can take.
Guess what? I have seen people do all of these things when their health comes into question. Now, there is an urgency to do all the things you’ve been wanting yet not to always fulfill the original wishes often to get yourself to doctor’s appointments or help your body heal from a new illness or dis-ease, or to not develop a health issue that is playing out in the close surrounding area. Often we need someone else’s experience to help put ourselves on a healthier track.
It is your choice whether you invest the time, money and the means into those things that help you live your life in a more enjoyable, more fulfilled or happier way versus doing so because your body is hurting or sick or the people you want to spend time with are now ill, dying or moving in another direction.
What would you do today? Who would you be today?