Being Present
Presence can look and feel different depending on where you are, who you are with, what you are doing, and why you are there. With an animal being whose favorite thing is to watch the street…
Finding Peace
Finding those peaceful moments can look different for each individual and what that represents…
My Nervous System’s Response Part 2
In part two of the three-part series, we look into my nervous system’s response to my recent experience…
What Would You Do, Who Would You Be
Why these questions? I’ve seen a lot of shifts in the health of those around me recently both in our animal friends and in people.
We all have the gift of choice....
Just Be...
I am being asked by all the feline energy that I am surrounded by this week to “just be.” Allow myself…
A Walk Among the Giants
Within the depths of the forest, in the silence of nature's heart – her core- I sat upon a bench nestled along a spiral path. The air…
Practice Presence with Your Cats
With many cats there is a peacefulness about the way they choose to connect or be in a room. The first activity is to go where they hang out, not to necessarily touch them, but to be present with them. If they like to watch the birds in your yard or on a patio….
Practice Presence with Your Dogs
With some dogs, it can be all about the face-to-face play. With others it is connection, touch and the sound of your voice. Often, the more involved you get in the play and with them, the more fun and present you are with them….
Presence Activities with Other Animals
With other animals it is often out-of-the-box ways of presence. Just choosing to be seated next to where they are, softening your gaze, and giving them/him/her your attention is an act of presence - and most likely something they do not receive regularly. Even …
Placing Your Self in Airplane Mode
We have all seen or heard of people, friends, or family members talking about the need for a digital break, yet with some people and situations it is important to extend it to when you are focusing on reaching a stage of presence with your pets. Cellphones, computers, televisions, social media – all can distract our…
The Art of Presence with Your Pets
Animals connect and communicate with one another through being in a present state of mind, so they hear another’s thoughts, see images, and sense what their emotional condition is while also being aware of the scent the other is giving off. They do this with us as well…
Upper-Level Conscious Training by Your Pets
This summer several families began putting me through the ropes of a new level of presence. The exercises were beyond any before. One family was asking…
Conscious Awareness with Your Pets
In my experience in visiting and observing your animal family members, there are several things that increase their level of joy. Over the next weeks, I will share some of these with you. One of the biggest is conscious attention and connection. What does that mean exactly?
Presence Lessons from Your Pets
Have you ever wondered if what you are doing or how you are connecting with your animal family members are you being present with them like they are with you? What does it mean to be that present?
Soothes Their Soul
Some people wonder what I do with their pets and how it differs from others they have had watch their animal family members.
Here is the thing, I have been told what I do is very different from others. When l am at your home from the moment I arrive until I leave, your pets know I am there for them. I have been told I spoil them as they get as much one-on-one time as they want…