Communication with the Animal Kingdom - Part One
Animals understand energy from being truly one with their environment whether that is in the natural world, on a farm or ranch, or in your home or yard. They know when something new has entered despite not always understanding what is causing the shift. They may receive information through a feeling, scent, sense, or connect via images…
Stepping Out and Stretching
Stepping outside a comfort zone, stretching ourselves to be, think, or live life from a new perspective can be vastly different depending on who we are, the way we take risks, do we push our own boundaries, do we try new things or stick with the tried and true that has worked for us in the past. All of these contribute to what it looks like to step outside our home box.
Meeting Pets Where They Are
Every personality is unique whether it belongs to a person or a pet. Just as one would not expect to talk with three different people and have them give the same answer, I treat pets with the same level of respect and understanding that one may answer a question multiple ways.
Joints, Nurturing and Healing
At a recent visit with a pup and kitty, they shared with me messages about taking new paths so that I can see and understand things from new perspectives and through new experiences. This correlates greatly with the walk with…
Movement and the Art of Traveling
Over the past several years, the word travel or traveling has taken on new meaning along with walking. I have come to see it as less about a destination and more about living life. Where every experience…
Miracles, Chaos and a Straw
Last week began like very few I have experienced leading into the holidays on many levels and had I stopped to really reflect on the various aspects of it, I would have understood that the ebb cycle I was having was preparing me for a personal walk unlike many I had before. In the past seven years with the business any time a major ebb appeared in the schedule, something occurred…
It’s a small world…
Life has a way of showing us just how closely knit we are wherever we are. Whether at a doctor’s office, chatting on a phone, or watching a holiday movie, similar experiences are threaded together everywhere.
In one week, life can shift…
Communicating Styles of Animals
When you are intuitive and around pets, you learn things about yourself every day. Sometimes they share things about what they are feeling, other times about what we are doing.
Yes, there is the food situation where you are suddenly feeling hungry. This can be in their presence or as I found this year, when driving toward their home. And yes, many of them, depending on their own level of sensitivity and intuition know when we have gotten the message and even when we respond with a verbal or thought response…
Teachings Thru Pets, Spirit and Others
We don’t ever know what a chance meeting will shift to, or where it will take us. In a span of two days, I met someone twice. The first time on a group outing, the second time at a class – and then things shifted to messages in my dreams…
Advice From Your Pets…
1. Drink more water – we often think of water's importance when in the hot summer months to help us regulate our internal temperature or to combat dehydration in contrast to the external climate. However, the pets…
Thanksgiving Memories
Happy Thanksgiving! This time of year always brings back memories from a thirty-year period when I got together with extended family for an annual family reunion. My mom is from a family of ten kids. We met in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina as that was the half-way point…
Un-Masking Our Emotions
We often think that our emotions and/or grief are solely connected to the people in our lives – that is a huge part of it. Yet there is energy in the physical structure of a home, in the things we fill it with, the reasons we hold onto certain items, even the paperwork reflects the status of our emotions and our mind.
Calling in the New
Changing patterns that we have done all our life can be extremely challenging, however doing new things can start to pull in the new. Even something as simple as taking a new route to work or a new path for your morning walk can help shift the muscle memory attached to the known.
Getting to Know the Insecure
New experiences with the pet friends are always a unique endeavor. They rarely act the same way as when you or their parents see them and those that tend to be skittish around strangers or a bit insecure with new situations it can take time for them to warm up to the idea of someone new being in their space.
Unplanned Opportunities for Plan B, C, and even D
Certain unknowns cannot be defined ahead of time, but we can put in place secondary options in the event obstacles decide to land on our path. When visiting pets, one comes across many unusual opportunities when a second or even third option is necessary. Most often these occur with various access points which lead us to further learning, compassion, and communication.
Pets Can Help Connect Messages
A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream about a construction crew of sorts on a road and how it connected to energy and the fixing of the road. The week before I made the decision to investigate whether a treatment would have any bearing on the tremors that I have been dealing with at various levels since my early 20s. Sometimes what incidents we thought of at the time as insignificant, today have a heightened degree of question surrounding them as to the impact literally and figuratively on the body.
The Rise of Emotion
Often when one goes through experiences of massive change and grief whether from a loved one’s death, a loss of job or house, the loss of a pet, the loss of our child-like spirit or even loss on a much greater scale, there is a stage at which we may think it’s been going on too long or it is unsafe to be that vulnerable for ourselves or with others. We can look for ways to close the valve, detach, freeze it, or even unknowing be avoiding the response of emotions.
Memories and More Healing
September 22, 2022 was the third anniversary of my father’s passing. This year it felt so much different than the last several years. It was more emotional for not only me, but my mom too. It’s like the shock of his transition and the last two years finally wore off bringing forth more awareness….
Secure Your Pets for the Future
If something unexpected happens to you landing you in the hospital or you die, where do your pets go, and who takes care of them in the short- or long-term? A Pet Care Plan is an important part of your overall estate plan as well as for short-term needs, so your animal family members receive the care they need immediately.
Soothes Their Soul
Some people wonder what I do with their pets and how it differs from others they have had watch their animal family members.
Here is the thing, I have been told what I do is very different from others. When l am at your home from the moment I arrive until I leave, your pets know I am there for them. I have been told I spoil them as they get as much one-on-one time as they want…