
K Vizzini K Vizzini

Fireworks, Loud Noises, Smoke, and Your Pets 

Lawn equipment, blowers, chainsaws – all can be somewhat normal to us. However, is it to pets? Many animals do not like the vibrations from these loud noise makers along with thunderstorms, and yes, those fireworks. All of these can make a home feel unsafe…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Mind over Matter

Hiking in the summer months in Arizona is about doing things in new ways with a new focal point. Seeing with new eyes. Sometimes the biggest challenge comes with looking at the temperature when you first wake. Lately my guides and body have said to stop doing that….

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

New Beings, the Learning Begins – Part 3

The whole seeing beings in the peripheral has happened before starting about seven to ten years ago with a young boy playing around the side of my bed during the day, seeing Saint Francis in his robes on his birthday in my bedroom, a loved one in spirit in the passenger side car window…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Reiki and Connection with Wild Ones

During the last two weeks I have been to two different Arizona wild animal parks to offer connection and Reiki if desired. The first of the two, my mom and I went around my birthday. We were drawn to offer many the energy to assist whatever each was experiencing.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

What’s Too Hot?!

As we venture towards the official first day of summer, Phoenix continues its hot, hot, hot trend! And for those that may be new to this climate or new to dog ownership in an extremely high summer heat, there is a cut-off as to how high is too hot to walk your pets in certain environments along with times of the day…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Leaving on Vacation? Let Your Pets Know

The relationship between you and your pets is a close one. You’re excited to be heading out for a few days of rest, relaxation, fun, exploring, and often family time which means the suitcases, changes in activity around the house, and your pet’s emotional behaviors shift…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Dimensional Beings Part Two

My new friends who reached out to me on a hike through telepathy have continued. Although at this stage I haven’t seen them in full form, I have experienced them in other ways. I saw the outline of a Being coming towards me via peripheral vision slightly behind my left side which often depicts another dimension. The best way to explain…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

3 Overlooked Things to Share with YOUR Pet Care Person

The sometimes hidden beneath the surface of your everyday life home and pet-related details can be the most important pieces when the person you have watching your pets arrives to care for your four-legged family members. What’s funny…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Why Am I Feeling Like This… (Animal Communication Part 2)

Many pets have the art of communicating with us via emotions…if one of their people are eating a snack, they know just the right looks to give us in hopes we will feel guilty and then just maybe it will lead to them getting the highly coveted t-r-e-a-t! Just as they can feel and read our emotions, many can also send what they are feeling to us…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Telepathy and the New Beings

When the unusual and other-worldly experience merges with the current reality, there is an understanding that something we are doing is new. That I am calling in something much greater than before as I recognize the seemingly innate skills I have often held beneath the surface.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

New Experiences

In the last week, I have gone out hiking three different days to the same overall location accessing different trails and I didn’t feel like the same person on any of them.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

The Power of Music

The more I walk my journey with opening my intuition and connection not only with those outside me but within to understand what my body is speaking to me via changes, pressure, and the like, I am continuously being guided more to music as a foundation for stronger and clearer understanding of messages.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

What’s Your Recipe for Self-Care?

Self-care means many different things to various people. Growing up in the 70s and 80s, it wasn’t even a thing that was talked about, learned in health class, or found in books. It was perceived as something done for weight control not necessarily for healing.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Is Spirit Speaking

What does it mean when you unexpectedly say a pet’s name that has passed, hear a passed loved one’s name, hear something they often said? You see them pop up in your mind, hear music that they always listened to?

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Working with Pets with Unique Likes

As a pet care professional, we can be faced with multiple pets wanting attention at the same time and in different ways. Often it can be about finding what works by reading them. If you have a dog that tires easily when chasing a ball and it takes them out of the game quickly, it is finding ways…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Opening the Door to See the Big Picture

As we move further towards the end of the first quarter of this year, I have been working behind the scenes on a project. The writing of a new book centered around my business and the years leading up to it, during, and after from my personal perspective. Throughout the years, I have always…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Animal Reiki with Your Pets

Animals often find value in the various treatments as well and tend to understand how energy works as they are much more connected and present with the natural world around them. Reiki supports animal beings in a variety of ways, and rarely do we know the exact location it is intended to support as it goes where it is needed most.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Muscle Testing for You and Your Pets

There are several ways to muscle test which can work both with pets and yourself. Muscle testing works by connecting into the body and subconscious mind. It is beneficial for questions involving a Yes/No type of answer or choice.

It could be for example “which is the best brand of multivitamin for my body? Even if you have more than two, this technique helps you determine what is best for you and/or your pets.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Color Frequencies and Your Pets

How do colors affect your pets? One of the more recent, in the last ten to fifteen years, support protocols for pets and their human counterparts has been with the use of colors to help heal things occurring on the physical, emotional, and mental level.

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