
K Vizzini K Vizzini

Success in the Routine

Just as there are certain routines we as people get accustomed to, so too do our animal companions. For some people, the morning routine begins with the coffee brewing, the newspaper unfolded; for others it’s getting quickly dressed, feeding the pup, grabbing some coffee and heading out for a walk; for some it begins with stretching, turning on a tv or music station and then continuing on through the morning setup.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

What’s Afoot?

Catching up with friends and pets is very important.  Slight changes in the way they act, connect or the patterns they display can open the door to understanding the ways they are communicating their needs and shifts they are experiencing in their own bodies or picking up on our emotional, physical conditions or thoughts. Just as often the behavior changes can be about their health and how they are responding…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

The Walk of Love

Sometimes the best choices for all involved are the hardest because we do not like the options before us. There are times when allowing time to pass works in our favor – that the dynamics of the situation shift for the better. However, there are just as many occurrences that time eliminates any available options. We see this happen with loved ones whether in people or our animal companions. It is not ever easy.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Reaching Beyond Uncomfortable

When we begin to allow our light to shine and embrace all that we can be, doors begin appearing and opening in ways we did not see coming. With that it is interesting to see when and the ways in which the butterflies and anxious energy appear.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

The Unknown Path

Many shifts today occurring in a young kitten’s life. He found himself without his mama, on the asphalt and near traffic. My roommate found him and looked everywhere around the area for his mama to no avail.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

High Flying Fun

Often the best thing we can do for our bodies, mindset and spirit is to truly play and have fun with a friend. Whether that friend is a two-lane or a three- or four-legged, opening up ourselves to the opportunity for true, connected fun can be key.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Time to Refill

Learning to re-evaluate ourselves and our energy often so that we build space into our day or week for refilling our mind, body and soul before we reach depletion or we get to a point of our tank being on empty and we don’t have anything left to give others or our health.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

In Beauty

This morning while enjoying being in nature with some pet friends, I was thinking about how enjoyable it was to experience the natural world with them and through their eyes. In essence we were meditating. Some doing a moving or walking meditation around the yard connecting with the rocks at their feet,

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Just One Step

This week, I had a rather unusual experience with emotions and the personal impact of the past year. The shift in ways we did things knowingly or not came through in a way I least expected. Prior to the pandemic, I would go out hiking some local trails at area regional parks. Places and trails I had gone many times before on my own. Yet, the past several weeks I could not get myself there. I would come up with other things that kept me from doing it...

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Messages of Love

We can be triggered by many things whether songs, memories, loss of any type (job, loved one, pet, patterns), situations where we see those in our lives going through health challenges or even the unknown that appears on a path with us. Just yesterday while driving home from a great day of hiking with my mom, all sorts of emotions arose as I followed

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Holding Space: From Fearful to Friendly

With one nine-month-old pup, she had been with her new family about four months when the lockdown occurred. Just prior to the pandemic, she lost her new, older canine sister to illness – which meant for the first time she did not have an animal buddy to learn from as previously she had cat companions. This was her third home in three months since being born. You could say she was having a very traumatic experience. She was unaware now of what was normal, what made unfamiliar sounds, if the sounds were to be feared or not, why her people disappeared in the middle of the day or what it meant for her family to go on vacation. She did not understand where they went, why I was showing up or would they return.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

5 Steps to Help Your Pets

Help your pets as you identify your new normal in transition with these five steps. I have written about the anxiousness that can occur during the pandemic which can trigger behavioral changes. They can go through periods of separation anxiety after weeks and/or months of having you all to themselves only to wake one day to you being away more. You can start helping them today, by doing these five steps

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Return to Normal – The Pet Response

You are striving to return to a normal state. How can this affect your pets? Since the official lockdown reopened last May, I have observed and experienced some animal companions who have had their own struggles with their people going back to leaving the house for a regular job or even going on trips. They became accustomed to seeing and being with you for most, if not all, day.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Listening to our Body and Stepping Up to Take Responsibility

In the last month, a lot of self-care messages have been showing up in those around me like clients, friends, family, and myself. These are being delivered and received in various ways. As I began writing this blog, the angel number 11:11 showed up as confirmation to the importance of this message at this time…new responses are needed now.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

The Eyes of a Move

Over this past year, the vastness of perspectives has expanded more and more. We are learning just how many individual ways there are to look at subjects of all types. We all hold personal meanings per our unique experiences.

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