
K Vizzini K Vizzini

Pets Can Help Connect Messages

A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream about a construction crew of sorts on a road and how it connected to energy and the fixing of the road. The week before I made the decision to investigate whether a treatment would have any bearing on the tremors that I have been dealing with at various levels since my early 20s. Sometimes what incidents we thought of at the time as insignificant, today have a heightened degree of question surrounding them as to the impact literally and figuratively on the body.

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Healing K Vizzini Healing K Vizzini

The Rise of Emotion

Often when one goes through experiences of massive change and grief whether from a loved one’s death, a loss of job or house, the loss of a pet, the loss of our child-like spirit or even loss on a much greater scale, there is a stage at which we may think it’s been going on too long or it is unsafe to be that vulnerable for ourselves or with others. We can look for ways to close the valve, detach, freeze it, or even unknowing be avoiding the response of emotions.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Memories and More Healing

September 22, 2022 was the third anniversary of my father’s passing. This year it felt so much different than the last several years. It was more emotional for not only me, but my mom too. It’s like the shock of his transition and the last two years finally wore off bringing forth more awareness….

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Secure Your Pets for the Future

If something unexpected happens to you landing you in the hospital or you die, where do your pets go, and who takes care of them in the short- or long-term? A Pet Care Plan is an important part of your overall estate plan as well as for short-term needs, so your animal family members receive the care they need immediately.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Soothes Their Soul

Some people wonder what I do with their pets and how it differs from others they have had watch their animal family members.

Here is the thing, I have been told what I do is very different from others.  When l am at your home from the moment I arrive until I leave, your pets know I am there for them. I have been told I spoil them as they get as much one-on-one time as they want…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

The Messenger

We do not always fully grasp the deeper meaning around the observations we take in during a pet visit, a walk about the neighborhood or even the symbology that comes through in our dreams, yet these nuggets are often reintroduced at a later point providing us with a higher level of understanding that combined with what we learn via a pet parent, what we see with our eyes or what is occurring on the ground heightens the meaning of the messages.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Building a New Level of Relationship

Recently I had the opportunity to connect with a cat who previously I met while feeding some feral cats at a client's house. Whenever I would see her outside on the patio, she was very hesitant to be near me…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Shaking Hands with the Uncomfortable

Recently I felt wishy washy when it came to going to a local place for a walk. A place I often go and yet this particular day I was not feeling it. I checked in with myself about going and knew I needed to do so to get some movement in before jumping on the computer to work on my business before heading on a trip. So often, I get caught up in wanting to get project x-y- and z completed and put myself or my health on the back burner…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Crossing Paths with New Critters

What can seeing unlikely critters on a morning hike represent as a message to us as we walk our own paths? It all depends on our thoughts, actions, and experiences in our life, relationships, or business at the time we meet the creature or animal.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Gifts of Love with Pets

What I have experienced as a Pet Companion is often identified as a rare degree of relating with your animal family members. That level differs by the pet (or pets) that I am working with, our connection, and the way they view me…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Special Moments

Nine years ago today, July 20, life changed. My world stood still as many things occurred at once in short proximity to one another. Some monumental and others in very different ways, but all felt big in the scheme of things. In February of 2013, I moved. At the end of June,

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Soothe, Celebrate or Empower

The role of the pet companion takes on a variety of hats. There are those times when we are the soother or the mother who is aiding the pet who is feeling sad or displaced as his or her family has gone on vacation leaving him…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

A Balancing Act - Summer

What does harmony mean in the life of a pet companion? As a business owner and pet companion it means finding the common ground between working in the business by doing the pet visits, working on the business via the blogs, marketing, social media, finance, and the vision for the company while finding quality time for family, friends, and self-care.

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Life Shifts

The changes that can occur in five short weeks can be overwhelming physically mentally or even emotionally depending on the challenge that you awaken too. We also have a choice as to what emphasis we place on the experience and the manner we permit it to affect us. Five weeks ago, I awoke to a text message at 5am from a current…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

A Get-Together with Friends

Once your animal family has been with me awhile whether it is one vacation or many, a friendship begins building.  Just like those of the two-legged variety. These friendships entail the favorite activities that your pet kid(s) like doing with me or our routines that get established over the visits. With one such canine friend…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Wise Words from a Feline Elder

Recently while visiting with a wise elder cat, she offered the guidance of the importance of focusing my attention on that which is the sweetness of life. And that by doing so it would ensure a new beginning.

Sometimes we give our mind full rein to guide us when really the key to welcoming the new into our physical world is to connect through our hearts to the way we want to feel living our dreams. Or what we hope to experience. What are the joys,

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Summer Exercise for Pups

What does a summer walk look like with your pup friend in Arizona? Roll over, blink at the clock…notice the darkness outside is shifting away as the day begins to lighten – and the walk begins. Your canine companion will be ready to go between 6am and 9am to get in a walk before the temperatures reach 95 degrees in the morning…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

The To-Do List

What to do first? We can go into a state of overwhelm on any given day depending on what we feel needs to be done – and that emotion can rise even more when we are traveling hand in hand with the unknown at our side. The unknown, void or place of mystery…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

The Look and Feel of a Pet Visit

You may be asking yourself what does a pet visit look or feel like - and what does my pet(s) experience? With Dream Pet Care, I spend five to ten minutes greeting them in the way they enjoy. With several pup friends, we begin with ten minutes of play…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Getting to Know Your Pets

As a pet companion I have experienced several times when pets have pushed past their own perceived characterizes to help teach a person what they need to hear in the moment. On day one of any new pet assignment, it is about listening to your animal companions with my ears, eyes, what I am feeling or sensing in my body and the thoughts that come quickly in as nine out of ten times it is from them. They too are beginning an inventory list of who I am through my energy, smell, and what they sense about me….

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